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The Top Reasons You Need a Commercial Storage Container in Portland

Posted on:
Mar 14, 2023

Having enough space is a constant concern for businesses. Because businesses are always growing, sometimes a need for additional space for store inventory or extra supplies arises. However, this can often be a challenge. It can especially be a challenge in Portland if you don’t have the use of commercial storage solutions.

Using commercial storage containers is a great way to expand your business without needing extra office space. Here are some of the main advantages of investing in commercial storage space in Portland.

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Access More Space

It’s not surprising that the main reason that businesses invest in commercial storage is to get more space. Commercial storage provides a great way for businesses to expand their space without necessarily needing to do so on-site. As a major city, Portland is denser than many other areas. This means that it may be difficult to add to existing business space or find larger properties that meet your needs.

With commercial storage, you can get access to the space you need to be successful. Plus, you can use on-site or off-site storage space to store items that you don’t need daily. This means that you can save office space for your most used supplies.

Save Money

Renting storage space is a cost-effective option for expanding your business space. Especially in a big city like Portland, it’s oftentimes more expensive to purchase additional office space than it is to pay for commercial storage. Therefore, saving money is one major benefit of investing in commercial storage space.

Commercial storage space allows greater flexibility in finding space that meets your needs. Because Portland is more compact than other areas, finding space that meets your business needs can be challenging. Commercial storage space can help you find enough space to store your items without that space necessarily needing to be all in one spot. In this way, commercial storage is a great way to expand your business in a city where that can be challenging.


Commercial storage space is valuable because you can access it on your time, whenever you need it. Many storage companies allow you to access your space 24/7, meaning that you’re not constrained by office hours. With commercial storage solutions, you can easily access your supplies and inventory, even if you’re not storing items within your main office space.

If you’re looking for the most accessible storage solution, on-site storage is the best option. With on-site storage, you can place a storage container right on your business’ property for easy access to items you need. You can access supplies at the same site as your business without giving up valuable office space to store them.

Keep Items Safe

Depending on where your business is located, theft is common in Portland. A secure storage space can be a reliable way to keep valuable items safe. It’s important to find a commercial storage solution that is reliable and safe for the best storage solution. Once you find a good storage provider, Inventory and other costly items can be stored safely in commercial storage. It’s still a good idea to be mindful of what you store in storage spaces. If items have personal value to people within your business or are sensitive documents, it may be best to store them at your office.

In addition to keeping items safe from theft, commercial storage space can be a good place to store any hazardous materials. Limiting access to dangerous items is a smart safety precaution and prevents businesses from worrying about accidents.

Safe from Harsh Weather

Like anywhere in the Pacific Northwest, there is tons of rain for most of the year. The rain can damage items that are sensitive to moisture. Luckily, commercial storage containers are commonly regulated to the temperature you need. In addition, storage containers prevent exposure to rain, hail, snow, and humidity. This poses a significant benefit for businesses with items that must be stored at a certain temperature. In cities like Portland, commercial storage solutions can help you avoid extreme temperatures that could impact your inventory.

Tips for Finding The Right Commercial Storage Container for You

The first step to finding a good commercial storage space for you is determining your needs. Do you need 24/7 access to your storage? A temperature-regulated space? Do you have a specific budget? Find commercial storage that will accommodate your requirements. You’ll also want to consider your location and what kind of storage you want. On-site storage can be valuable if you will need to access your storage space often. However, off-site storage may be optimal if you don’t have a lot of space on-site or if you’re looking for more space.

After you decide on your main needs in a storage space, look into local storage options. It’s beneficial to explore not only what different providers have to offer but also online reviews and testimonials. Reviews can tell you about other peoples’ experiences with the brand and whether the storage solution is accessible and reliable. Reviews also give insight into any common problems among previous customers.

Drybox offers affordable and accessible commercial storage solutions for small businesses and entities. Whether you’re looking for convenient on-site storage containers or off-site temperature-regulated space, we’ve got you covered. Give us a call or get a free quote online to get started!

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