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Use Your Storage Container to Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions

Posted on:
Dec 29, 2021


As we look ahead to 2022, many of us will be making personal resolutions for the New Year, such as going on a diet, switching jobs or finding love. But why stop there? Why not make a New Year’s resolution for your storage spaces? This includes your storage container that’s sitting in the backyard or out on your work site.

A clean fresh start is just what you need to kick off the new year. If you’re using your container for storage, it may be pretty chock full right now. When’s the last time you organized that space? It’s time to minimize the clutter, organize your stuff and start anew for 2022.

In addition to organizing your storage container and making room, by extension, you can clear out your main living space in order to live more simply. After all, that’s what your storage container is there for! It’s no secret that having a tidy, comfortable space has positive benefits for your mental and physical health. And since January is all about health and making promises to better yourself, there’s no better time to do this than right now.

Clean vs. Clutter

Research reveals a link between the habits of those living in a clean environment versus those living in the chaos of clutter. Susan Krauss Whitbourne, Ph.D, says the “clutter effect” leads to both physical and emotional issues, particularly in regards to your overall energy level. And when you feel nervous about living in a disorganized space, you tend to eat and snack more, which leads to weight gain.

The worst part about facing a big mess is how overwhelming it is. You just don’t know where to start when there’s a lot of stuff to contend with. This leads many people to simply shut down. Then the mental clutter sets in and it’s a vicious cycle that has even been linked to age-related memory loss.

A new year, a new promise: clear out your space! Buying a storage container for the overflow is the answer.

Overcoming the Clutter

In order to be successful, you need to have a plan. Start with four piles when clearing out your space. Look through all items and place them in one of these four piles.

Pile 1: Ask yourself: does this item serve a purpose for you? Have you used it in the last year? Do you know who else could put it to good use? This pile can be for items you no longer want but that are still in good condition. You can call this the “donate to charity” pile.

Pile 2: If you have items in great condition but you never used them or gently used them, consider selling them online. You can post on Facebook Marketplace, eBay or Craigslist, or go old school and hold a yard sale. This is a great way to make extra cash.

Pile 3: If it’s broken, torn, ripped or in really bad shape, just toss it. This will be the trash pile.

Pile 4: For all items that you don’t use currently but don’t necessarily want to get rid of forever (think: those size 4 jeans you hope to fit in by spring or your kids’ old toys that you want to save for grandchildren), place them in the storage pile. These items will go in your backyard storage container for safe keeping, where they will stay clean and dry but they won’t be taking up your precious space indoors.

Organizing Your Storage Container

Before you can start adding more stuff to your storage container, you first have to organize it. Do the same purge process in here, keeping only the stuff you know you will eventually need. Start at one end and work your way to the other. Grab boxes and bins to place like items in, being sure to label everything. You can add modifications like shelving, cubbies and pegboards to properly display and store your things.

If you decide to completely clear out the space and convert the container into a useful work space, this is a great time to start fresh. You can make your own mobile office or workshop just by dedicating yourself to clearing out the old!

shipping container turned into a yard shed

Contact Drybox

So, now that you have a plan for decluttering your space and taking advantage of a storage container for these needs, it’s time to kick off January right. You’ll enjoy a tidy living space and be able to breathe easy without having to face a mess in your home every day. Drybox can hook you up with the storage or shipping container you’re looking for. Just contact us at 866-549-9823.


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Tacoma Container Yard

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Branch Manager, Aaron Norlin
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Portland Container Yard

Office: 503-946-9744

Branch Manager, Wayne Vigre
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Denver Office Container Yard

Office: 303-505-0500

Branch Manager, Rick Jewert

[email protected]

Salt Lake City Container Yard

Branch Manager, Clarence Wright
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Spokane Container Yard

Office: 509-606-2699

Branch Manager, Ryan Earle
[email protected]

Yakima Container Yard

Office: 360-669-3047

Branch Manager, Dan Long
[email protected]